Where does one start a blog? I suppose it's appropriate to start right in the middle of what I do every week.
1. Teaching 5th-8th grade students that know each other and the school building way too well
2. Supervising the food part of a church fellowship
3. Making a winter promotional video at Camp Joy
4. Cleaning up after dinner during a retreat
Fortunately, this weekend I don't have to do soundbooth for the service. I say fortunately because the service that usually starts at 6:00 or 7:00 started at 9:00 tonight. Instead I spent another hour after dinner working on the winter promo video and then headed home to a couple of hours of schoolwork. This weekend I have to finish entering grades for report cards which go out on Monday in addition to the lesson plans I have to prepare for next week.
Never a dull moment!
Thanks for the post. Have fun entering all the grades. =)