After hearing what sounded like squealing heavy machinery for ten minutes, I finally went to investigate the mysterious noise. Behind the office, in back of the cabins, on a hill that looks down to the lake, I found the bare, end-of-autumn woods filled with birds--a rustling, chirping, stirring tumult. There must have been 1,000 of them traveling south in a flock and pausing just a moment as if deciding whether to stay or travel on.
In awe, I stood there listening until the swarm suddenly lifted and the noise hushed instantly to an eerie calm. I guess birds don't talk when they're flapping their wings. Through the silhouettes of trees I saw them wheeling around together, coming and going with the sunset behind them. The setting rays flickered as the swarm flashed in front of the sun and then past it again.
November sees much coming and going here at camp. One of our most exciting comings is a new family that will be joining the full-time staff! We're excited to give a warm welcome to Dale and Karen Innocenti and family! I know them from my home church in Illinois and am especially excited to have them join our team. Unlike the migrating birds, the Innocentis will be here to stay!
Another exciting addition to the camp is the purchase of the property on the corner next to the camp. Our new Welcome Center already has a building and drive-through, the perfect addition to the camp’s needs. Best of all, it will act as a face to the community and a first glimpse to guests arriving at camp. We're still waiting to see the funds come in to make the building ours, but I have no doubt that we will own the property before the end of the year.
Goodbye summer and autumn, goodbye migrating birds, hello future!